And you suddenly realize...
It's time to start something new and take a leap of faith.

Designed & made in Berlin

Designed & made in Berlin

Design in Berlin. Stoffe aus aller Welt, meist Japan.

Limitierte Auflagen oder Kleinserien (hand-made).
Jede Jacke wird individuell in Handarbeit genäht.

Wir sind eine kleine Manufaktur und produzieren auf Anfrage, d.h. wenn Du bestellst (produce on demand).

Silkscreen printing

One of the most beautiful, sensual, yet unpredictable forms of craftmanship in existence. Completely unbiased.

Hand-printed products.
Waterbased dyes.

Available on request:
– Merchandising, logo prints
– Silkscreen printing workshop

Our printed textiles are organic, Fair Wear, GOTS-certified and climate-neutral.

Silkscreen printing
Linocut printmaking

Linocut printmaking

Powerful yet delicate.

This linocut was created in a workshop at the Bröhan Museum in Berlin.

Linocut on an acrylic block

Simple artistry.

We cannot find a new passion.
We can only find better places for our passion to flourish. – Simon Sinek

Hokusai Medley –
assembled from various Hokusai elements.

Linocut on an acrylic block
„I would not creep along the coast but steer out in mid-sea, by guidance of the stars.“ Georg Eliot ‚Middlemarch‘

„I would not creep along the coast but steer out in mid-sea, by guidance of the stars.“ Georg Eliot ‚Middlemarch‘

Sleek, elegant designs featuring sophisticated Asian motifs.

“There are three responses to a piece of design: yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser

One-of-a-kind designs brought to life through meticulous craftsmanship (pattern making, tailoring, silkscreen printing, linocut printmaking, pottery making, etc.)

Fair working conditions. Sustainable work processes (short transport distances, preferably plastic-free packaging).

“The things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose. Follow them.” – Simon Sinek

Sleek, elegant designs featuring sophisticated Asian motifs.
Pop-up events & markets

Pop-up events & markets

Mostly in Berlin, but not exclusively! We hope to meet you, sooner or later! ;o)

Nurture even your faintest dream with a spark of madness and watch it take flight into reality.

Nurture even your faintest dream with a spark of madness and watch it take flight into reality.